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She helped shattered the glass ceiling for women's space in law and politics.


In the past, women tend to be discouraged to pursue higher education due to the strict of implementation of traditional gender role that US had back then.

In her youth, Ruth Bader Ginsburg were among 1 of the only 9 women that accepted into Harvard Law school. As a comparison, the total amount of new students that accepted into Harvard at that time was around 500 per year.

Even for highly educated women, finding high paying jobs at that time was extremely difficult. Most companies only allow women to fill in secretarial job without the possibilities to be moved to managerial position.

But, Ruth Bader Ginsburg somehow managed to make her way to the top and eventually appointed into the  Supreme Court in 1993,. She was considered as the leader of the court's liberal wing after replacing Justice John Paul Stevens. This achievement provided an inspiration for many women in the following generations to keep pushing forward and eventually break the glass ceiling that keeping them down.