Respuesta :
ts—like rainbows—and devastating ones—like melting glaciers. It's important for humans to recognize how their activities affect the spheres and Earth's health.
Think Like a Scientist
Talk Like a Scientist
Don't forget to use your Guided Notes to help you prepare for the assessment.
Experiment Like aScientist
Succulents inside glass terrarium
Spheres of Earth Hands-on Lab
For this investigation, you are going to create a terrarium to observe the water cycle in action. Follow the directions in Spheres of Earth Hands-on Lab. Please note, if you are unable to complete the hands-on version, a virtual version is provided in the Materials section. Complete the lab report while you perform the investigation. You will submit your completed lab report. Be sure to review the grading rubric before you begin.
Check your understanding of important concepts.
Complete the 02.04 Spheres of Earth lab.
Unless Otherwise Noted All Content © 2020 Florida Virtual School
Hamsters do inherit their traits for long fur or short fur through the parents. The parents are what affects the offspring's traits, these are determined by the different genes. For example, if there is a recessive gene for short fur, then there will be less of a chance for the offspring to inherit short fur and vice versa. In some instances, there is a recessive gene and a dominant gene, in that case, the dominant gene will overpower the recessive gene hence it's name. There are three types of possible gene pairs, homologous dominant: AA, homologous recessive aa, and heterogeneous dominant, Aa. If there is two of the recessive genes, then there is a higher chance for the short fur to appear in the offspring and etc.