Read this excerpt from a NASA report titled “Cosmic Fountain Powered by Giant Black Hole.” Use the skills demonstrated in this lesson to define any unfamiliar words and make sure you understand the passage’s main ideas.
Cold gas falls toward the central black hole, like water entering the pump of a fountain. Some of this infalling gas . . . eventually reaches the vicinity of the black hole, where the black hole's gravity causes the gas to swirl around with ever-increasing speeds, and the gas is heated to temperatures of millions of degrees. This swirling motion also creates strong electromagnetic forces that launch high-velocity jets of particles that shoot out of the galaxy.
What is the MOST accurate summary of this excerpt?
A)Cold gas moves rapidly toward the black hole. When it is close enough to be affected by the black hole’s gravity, the gas begins to pulse faster and faster as it becomes very hot. The pulsing motion produces forces from the electric field that cause particles to bounce around the galaxy at very low speeds.
B)Cold gas moves toward the black hole. When it is close enough to be affected by the black hole’s gravity, the gas begins to swirl faster and faster as it becomes very hot. The swirling motion produces forces from the electric and magnetic fields that cause particles to shoot out of the galaxy at very high speeds.
C)Cold gas moves slowly toward the black hole. When it is close enough to be affected by the black hole’s gravity, the gas begins to flare up and becomes very cold. The flares produce forces from the magnetic field that cause particles to shoot out of the galaxy at very moderate speeds.
D)Hot gas moves toward the black hole. When it is close enough to be affected by the black hole’s gravity, the gas begins to build up and it becomes very bright. This buildup produces forces from the electric and magnetic field that cause particles to disappear into the galaxy in a matter of seconds.