Number 16 Ajasin Road,
Lagos State.
December 2nd, 2020.
To the Commissioner of Education,
Lagos State.
Dear Sir,
As a concerned citizen of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and resident of Lagos State, I find it really worrisome how badly the standard of education has fallen in Lagos State.
In previous years, there used to be a higher standard of education as teachers took their jobs seriously because they had the backing of the government and the students, by extension, were raised to a high standard. WAEC results in Lagos State used to be one of the best in Nigeria but that has become a thing of the past as 3xaminatioj malpractice is rife, and even at that, the results have gotten worse.
I would like to suggest that the government go back to the drawing board and hold a meeting with stakeholders on how to tackle this hydra-headed monster of examination malpractice and educational decay.
Students that perform well academically should be used as examples, malpractice should be shunned in its entirety, and teachers need to be held to a higher level of accountability.
Yours sincerely,
Ifeanyi Okafor