ive been feeling down for multiple days now and i just feel like giving up like i try and people say i can do more so i try harder and they keep saying i can do more and i feel like so much would be better in life if i wasnt on this planet (mars sounds good(: ) and there would be so much less stress and less anxiety in my house without me and everything i touch i either mess up or break and i cant do anything right ever and i try and try and try and try but nothing ever goes right and so im just giving up im not going to be posting for a while so this is the last post for the year maybe

Respuesta :


Do not post random subjects in mathematics.

Also, pain is temporary.

If you end your life you just pass it onto someone else.

Try to find people online that understand you. The reason why you can't do anything is because you keep telling yourself that. This sounds cringe but try new things and venture. Try meditation or yoga. If you aren't an open person then you can do breathing exercises in private. While you take in your breath think positively. I hope this advice can help you! Never give up!




Step-by-step explanation: