Create an informative Google Slide Show which indudes the following:
Define mental health
• What does mental health mean to you? I
• Why is maintaining mental health so important?
• Explain the difference between mental health and mental illness
• What are the facts and statistics surrounding mental health?
• Which mental health disorder did you choose for your research?
Define and explain the disorder
What are the possible causes?
What are the symptoms?
What are the consequences if the illness goes untreated?
Explain how the mental health disorder is treated?
What interested you most about this disorder?
• Condude: Explain what role mental health plays on your overall wellness?
Your Google Slide Show must include the following:
4 paragraphs including an introductory paragraph, 2 body paragraphs, and a
4-6 sentences within each paragraph
Information in your own words, do not copy and paste information for your
Your sources should be listed at the end of your slide show and should be cited

Respuesta :

1. What does mental health mean to you?
Answer: To me mental health means how I’m doing emotionally, physically and how my social skills are doing.

2. Why is maintaining mental health so important to you?
Answer: Maintaining a mental health to me is so important because it determines how I’m handling stress, communication with others and making choices.

3.Explain the difference between mental health and mental illness?
Answer: The difference is mental health is that it’s always going to stay there no matter what, mental illness affects a persons ability to function over a long period of time.

I have to go do chores right now but I hope I helped somewhat, just look up answers on here Brainly or google and make them into your own sentence. Good luck:)