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There are many risks that come with playing the sport football. In many cases, former football players have ended up with a brain damage called CTE, which is also known as Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy, alzheimer's, or dementia. Although most evidence shows that football is too dangerous and it should not be played by young children and teenagers, some might think that it should be kept at schools. Some might think that football is a way of kids having fun and something to look forward to. Football is not too dangerous because coaches are being trained to improve the equipment and skills, it allows the players to make friends and socialize with others, and all sports cause injuries.
Football is not too dangerous for high school teenagers to be playing at their school because coaches are learning how to improve the techniques and equipment. According to Pro and Con: Is Football Too Dangerous for Kids?, the article states that “more youth coaches than ever are taking education courses to keep football safe for the players in order for them not to get hurt” (NewsWorks). Coaches are training their kids to use their shoulders instead of their heads when they are tackling in a game. They have also been taught that once a player is hurt, they are required to stay on the bench for a certain amount of time before they are able to get back in the game. There isn’t any sport that is risk free. For example, boys soccer has a concussion rate of 12% (NewsWorks). That is twice the amount of concussions for football! Many people today are trying to find new ways to improve their equipment, such as helmets, and new ways to tackle without using their heads. Doing this will lower the concussion rates and make the players safer and more aware of the consequences.
Everyone always seems to focus on the negative effects that football has on the players, but did you ever wonder how it could improve one’s life? Based off a true story, Michael Oher was a young african-american teen who was homeless and lived on the streets. He was someone who was very lonely and didn’t have any family. Over the past few years, he has been in and out of school. Later on, a married couple takes him in and become his guardians. Having a new edition to their family changed not only Michael’s life, but his parents as well. He later realized that he had great skills in school as a student and was passionate about being a football player. Football changed his life and made him a better person. Michael played football as a teenager, through college, and then became a professional in the NFL. He learned new things from playing with other players.
No sports are risk free. There are risks in anything, such as driving, or even going for a run. An article called Study reveals that playing HS football is just as safe as band, glee club, or choir states that “the risk of high school football players developing degenerative neurological diseases later in life is no greater than if they had been in the band, glee club or choir” (FootballScoop). It is said that there is a risk in soccer, lacrosse, hockey, tennis, basketball, baseball, skiing and many more. These sports can also cause concussions. There is a risk in football but there is also a risk in band, glee club or choir, as said above.
Football is becoming more improved, such as the equipment and skills, it allows players to socialize with others, and every sport is not risk free. Coaches are being trained to change the way their players are tackling. For example, players are now using their shoulders instead of their heads. Football allows others to make new friends and earn life skills that will be useful throughout their football career.