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Visiting Relationship.

Consenting adults can get into visiting relationships with one another. This means that both of them will not live together but still have sexual relations with one another. This is a very popular type of relationship and a significant number of Caribbean children are born into it.

Common-Law Union.

Here the couple still have sexual relations with one another but this time go a step further and live together without being legally married. The couple therefore do not have the full legal protection afforded by the law to married people.

Family Unions and structure often differs in the Caribbean. There are four known types of family structures in the Caribbean. They are:

  • the marital union
  • the common-law union
  • the visiting union
  • the single parent family

The two types of non legal unions that consenting adults enter into in the Caribbean​ are:

Visiting union: Relationships in the Caribbean often begins at this stage. It is known as a consensual relationshhip where  the couple is not married and do not share a one residence.

Common Law union is simply known as a type of union where two people, male and female are living together but are not legally married.

Example: Megan Bush lives with her unmarried  parent (mother and  father).

It is when a man and woman is lives together under the same roof but they are not married but they engage in sexual relations.

The Caribbean Families often have a matrifocal or matricentric structure.

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