
What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic training? Give an example of sports that are considered aerobic, and anaerobic.

If you copy and paste an answer make sure it actually works. Googles automatic answer doesn't include the difference, it only talks about one

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The difference is that aerobic training, oxygen is your main source. You breathe faster and deeper; you're maximizing the amount of oxygen in your blood. As a result of that, your heart rate increases.

  • Rowing
  • Skating
  • Skiing
  • Swimming
  • Dance

During anaerobic training, your body needs immediate energy. Your body is relying on stored energy sources rather than just oxygen supply itself. It's usually done to increase your stamina. Basically, endurance.

  • Cycling
  • Track & field
  • Heavy weight lifting

This is not copy and pasted, I did all the research so you'll be good just to copy and paste!