Respuesta :
Deoxyribonucleic acid, widely known as DNA, is the genetic material in living cells. It is a double-stranded molecule, with each strand arising from the pair of nucleotide monomers that forms its structure. In the DNA, four nucleotides exist namely: Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C), and Guanine (G).
These four bases occur in different combinations to form a sequence that makes up each strand of the DNA. However, each nucleotide pairs with one another using the COMPLEMENTARY BASE PAIRING RULE, which states that Adenine will always hydrogen bond with Thymine, while Guanine will always hydrogen bond with Cytosine i.e. A-T, G-C.
Based on the above, a DNA strand with sequence: A-T-G-A-C will pair with another DNA strand with sequence: T-A-C-T-G.
Deoxyribonucleic acid is an essential molecule that comprises nucleotides purines and pyrimidines.
- The six-membered nitrogen-containing ring joined with the imidazole ring is called purines whereas, the pyrimidines are the six-membered nitrogen ring.
- Purines ascertained in the DNA and RNA are adenine and guanine.
- Pyrimidines found in the DNA are cytosine and thymine whereas, in the RNA cytosine and uracil is found.
The sequence of the base pair formed from the DNA sequence
A-T-G-A-C will be:
- The adenine always base pairs with thymine.
- The purine guanine always pairs with the pyrimidine cytosine in the case of DNA sequences.
Therefore, the sequence formed will be T-A-C-T-G .
To learn more about nitrogenous base pairs in DNA and RNA follow the given link: