Respuesta :
all of the above
pan is bread, carne is meat, and naranja is orange; you can find all of those in a kitchen
Answer to this question:
What could you typically find in a kitchen?
All of the above
The other choices for this question were 'pan', 'carne', and 'naranja'.
"Pan" means 'bread'. "Carne" means 'meat'. "Naranja" means 'orange'.
More answers to other questions in this quiz:
Ayudar means _____.
Ayudar means to help
The other choices for this question were 'to think', 'to drink', and 'to eat'.
'To think' in Spanish is "pensar". 'To drink' in Spanish is "beber". 'To eat' in Spanish is "comer".
Moscas means "mosquitos."
The other choice for this question was 'true'.
"Moscas" means 'flies'.
How do you say "chair" in Spanish?
The other choices for this question were 'sillon', 'fuerte', and 'preocupe'.
"Sillon" means 'armchair'. "Fuerte" means 'strong'. "Preocupe" means 'worry'.
Perezoso means "hardworking."
The other choice for this question was 'true'.
"Perezoso" means 'lazy'.