_6. One reason the English Bill of Rights is considered a milestone in the development of government is that it-

A. Explained the significance of unalienable rights

B. Gave the political power over to the people

C. Separated the powers of government into three
different organizations

D. Protected certain right of citizens from government infringement

7. Montesquieu contributed to the formation of the U.S. Constitution because he advocated-

A. The powers of the government should be divided

B. A Bill of Rights should be a part of all governments

C. A strong military should be created to protect the rights of people

D. The federal government should share power with state governments

_8. The Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were influenced by the rights of life, liberty, and
property. The philosopher who advocated these unalienable rights was -
A. John Locke

B. Montesquieu

C. William Blackstone

D. Carle Marx