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Pine is a modestly priced and fast-growing wood which is great for building outdoor playhouse projects. If properly treated, pine wood can help your playhouse to endure for many years. Treatment is important, though, as pine is fairly prone to insects and deterioration. You should only construct with treated pine wood to counter your kids playhouse being eaten or moldered away. Also, pine is quite absorbent, so it will accept stains and paints easily and hold them adeptly. This is marvelous for decorating your playhouse cheerful colors for your children.

Cedar is a very accepted lumber for building in the elements, and is a notable choice for building playhouses. It’s a steadfast, unyielding wood, and — as opposed to pine — is very resistant to rain and bugs. As a result, you can use untreated lumber, and it should still persist a long while. Likewise, cedar doesn’t change in size when the temperature or moistness changes, which helps to prevent your playhouse from warping over the seasons. It is pretty permeable, so it will take stains or paints well, and will maintain its nice grained look. It’s a little more high-priced than pine, however.

Redwood is also a very steadfast, dense timber that’s good to build a playhouse with. Better yet, not only is it notably repellent to water and bugs, it’s resistant all through the wood (not only on the exterior like treated wood). So, constructing with redwood can directly add years to the life span of your kids’ playhouse. One perk you have with redwood is the magnificent color which doesn’t require treatment, staining, or extra coloring. As a result, you’ll pay a little premium for that advantage, as redwood is fairly costly. But, you get what you pay for.
