Respuesta :
here is the answer
where was it ?
There was once a road that measured more than 10,000 kilometres long. It ran across the northern areas of China, through Mongolia and India, and across Middle Eastern deserts until it reached the Mediterranean Sea. But if you could go back in time to the 2nd century to find it, you would not be able to see it. That’s because there was no actual ‘road’ as we know it. Still, for hundreds of years it was one of the most important roads in the world.
why was it called the silk road ?
This road is called the Silk Road, and it connected people from East Asia with people from Central Asia, India, and the Middle East for over five hundred years
what where the fatures
The Silk Road was not made of pavement or stones. It was marked by natural features of the land :valleys between mountains, watering holes where travellers could rest, and flat areas that were good for walking. Over time, more and more people used the Silk Road as a way to trade goods with others. During the 3rd and 4th centuries, travellers even needed a travel pass, like a passport. Soon, the Silk Road was an important trade route, with merchants buying and selling silks, animals, vegetables, textiles, and many other things.
what did they trade ?
Travelers along the Silk Road would meet people from many different cultures and backgrounds. Artists from country, such as India. mixed with crafts people from Central Asia and diplomats from eastern China met soldiers in Mongolia. Even the very first printed book, the Diamond Sutra, was found in a SilkRoad cave that was used as a library