Develop a clear thesis statement based on your comparison of the print version and the film. (You will base the presentation you create in the next task on the same thesis statement.) Using your notes, find textual evidence that supports your thesis statement. In this case, textual evidence can include not only quotations from characters in either the play or movie, but also notes about the setting, stage directions, organization, characters, tone, and mood.

Respuesta :

I chose the 1971 film adaptation by Roman Polanski. I found that the text and film versions are extremely similar.The only distinction lies in the essence of the media that covers it.In the film, the portrayal of the scene is graphical and vibrant.In reality, you see Banquo falling to the floor, dead.In reality, you see Banquo falling to the floor, dead.

In terms of impact on the viewer, Roman Polanski's rendition of this scene is not only accurate but also strong.The specifics are all consistent with the text version: the characters and the environment are the same.The film version captures the character of Banquo to perfection: a courageous and better man than Macbeth, who at the moment thinks only of his son.To ensure Fleance gets to safety, he sacrifices himself.


im answering so you can give the other person brainliest :)
