Imagine you’re working on an important project at work. You’re writing some content about space exploration for your client. Your client has promised to send you a list of approved encyclopedias or reference books that you can use for your article. However, you haven’t received it yet. Write an email asking the client to provide you with the list. Remember to follow the email etiquette you learned in this lesson: Address your recipient by name. Mention the subject of the mail in the subject line. Clearly state the purpose of your email in the first sentence. End with an appropriate complimentary close. Make sure that your language is formal and professional.

Respuesta :


Subject: Request List: Approved Reference Books for Space Exploration Article

Dear Mr. Jackson,

I am writing to request you to email me the list of approved reference books for the space exploration article. We had discussed some tentative suggestions in our previous meeting. We are a bit behind schedule with writing the article. The reference book list will be a great help to us. Thank you for your time in considering this request.

Sincerely Yours,

Janice Collins

Head Writer

Star Communications

2563 Maple Road

Sunny City, CA 4523

Tel: (123) 456-7890