According to the table, what is the initial value of the data and how can this information be translated to
an ordered pair?

Respuesta :


Step-by-step explanation:

ay to verify a field type:

Right-click the label of the field and select Configure dictionary.

In this example, the context menu has been opened for the Name field for a record in the Record Producer [sc_cat_item_producer] table.Context menu for field

The context menu from clicking on the label of the Name field, with the Configure Dictionary option  the Dictionary Entry record that opens, confirm that the Type field is Translated Text or Translated HTML.

In this example, you see that the Name field is of the type Translated Text.

Dictionary entry for field

Dictionary entry for the Name field, with the Type highlighted

Click back to the form.

Use the language picker to switch to the desired language.

In the relevant field, replace the English text with the text of the target language.

Click Submit.


The platform creates a new record in the Translated Text table for the active language. When a user selects this language, the field displays the translated content for this language. When a user selects English or a language without an associated Translated Text record, the field displays English content.


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Step-by-step explanation:

Ive been stuck for days