
Using what you have learned, write a one- to two-paragraph journal entry describing life in the trenches. Be sure to include details similar to those in the readings, and write from the perspective of a soldier fighting in the war.

Respuesta :


The days been long, longer then usual. It's hard to keep pushing. The constant rain pouring down causes the trenches to fill with water. Creating mud that's impossible to move in. Compared to the gas the other unit experienced this is nothing.

The constant fear of not knowing what might happen next is terrifying. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that all this will mean something in the end. All this blood shed will eventually end and life will continue. If I live long enough to experience it.



Dear journal: Today we face Germany again, last time we got hit with mustard gas, luckily we had our gas masks on. This time we plan to sneak attack them, the troops are heading out so i have to go. Until next time.
