Respuesta :
Chocolate is one of the most popular sources of caffeine, which can create a mild dependence. Chocolate stimulates some, but not all, of the same regions of the brain that are activated by drugs such as cocaine. Chocolate creates feelings of pleasure because, well, it tastes good and triggers a positive emotional connection.
In our culture, chocolate is thought of as a romantic gift. It’s outside the realm of mundane, day-to-day food, reserved for special occasionsâ€"and, for women especially, it’s associated with love and romance. That could be another reason why women particularly love chocolate: deep down, it makes them feel loved, cared for, and pampered.
According to the study, people who eat chocolate produce natural opiates in their brains that soothe their nerves and make them feel good. When the receptors that detected opioids were blocked, that chocolate craving was lessened.
Question- does he really?
I think chocolate is so popular just because its one of those foods thats comforting. Theres so many different types of choclate and so many different ways to prepare it. It's like a universal type of food. Theres also been reswarch that shows it has many health benifits.