Correct the following sentences with respect to the colon, dash, parentheses, or brackets.
1.) Dearest Rodney
2.) My five years’ experience as a high school English teacher qualifies me to be the editor of your newspaper.
3.) The carpenter’s tools included: saw, hammer, square, measuring tape, and nails.
4.) College students generally complain about things such as: their professors, the cafeteria food, and their roommates.
5.) The dean demanded that: the coaches, the players, and the training staff meet with him immediately.
6.) Tonight’s winning numbers are: 169, 534, and 086.
7.) Julius was born in 1900 ? and came west as a young boy.
8.) The concert begins at by the way, when does the concert begin?
9.) Her essay was entitled “The American Medical System and It’s sic Problems.
10.) Senator Aikin Dem., Maine voted for the proposal.
11.) The essay begins: “For more than a hundred years from 1337 until 1453 the British and French fought a pointless war.” [Punctuate to show that the boldface expression is inserted editorially.]