The article "Ozone Hole on the Mend" mentions interesting details about the ozone layer. But what is the author's main point? In your own words, briefly describe what you think the main point of the article is.

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Answer in explanation


The article by the author is an interesting read and contains a whole lot of facts.

The main point the author is driving at is that the ozone hole is getting a kind of healing from its otherwise thought depletion continuation.

What he is trying to say is that, although over the years there has been a rate of decline in the layer, a recent study has shown that the decline rate has in fact slowed down and the hole thought to be on regular depletion is in fact getting healed at a rate in which the depletion has slowed


The article’s main point is that researchers were surprised that they were able to measure the healing of the ozone hole over Antarctica much sooner than they expected. The ozone hole above the South Pole was discovered in the 1980s. The decrease in ozone stopped by the late 1990s. Researchers predicted that they would be able to measure the hole’s slow recovery by about the early 2020s. But as of the time the article was published in 2011, scientists believed they had already observed a slow return of ozone to the area.
