What is Frost trying to say in this poem? What is the overall message? Make sure this is in your own words and not in the "internet's" wording. It's okay to struggle through, but take your time and break the lines down.

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Overall theme & message of Robert Frost Poem - The Road not taken


The poem highlights the dilemma if choice we all face in life, significance of the chosen way in life, which can determine crucial aspects of our life.

The roads divergence symbolises various options we get in life. We try to  ponder upon which way to choose in best possible diligent way. And, our chosen way determines who where we reach & what we become.

The message of the poem is that Life is a matter of choices, & every choice makes a person. So, one should be very careful & sincere while making life choices, as they determine a lot about one's life & personality.