Leader Wrong: Think of a specific situation in which you were working with someone who was in a leadership position over you and that person was doing something that was wrong for you. This person might have been a coach, teacher, team leader, employer, immediate boss, family member, or anyone who had a leadership position over you. "Wrong for you" means that person's behavior reduced your effectiveness, made you or your coworkers less productive, and was demotivating to you or your colleagues. Write a few words below that describe what the leader was doing that was wrong for you.

Respuesta :


Find the explanation below.


My former boss was in the habit of using the employees against each other. He would approach an employee to find out negative details about another person and vice versa. He would also find ways to cut large chunks of money from the salaries of his employees for very flimsy reasons.

These actions were wrong for me cause I believe that there were better ways to have handled these issues. Moreso, these actions demotivated me and my colleagues.