Respuesta :


When she was seven years old, Lourdes saw images of New York City, Las Vegas, and Disneyland on the televisions at other people’s houses. The dream of living in America, so far from a two room shack made of wooden slates with no bathroom, is thrilling for her.

Like many other women of similar circumstances, she decides to embark on the dangerous journey north, to find work in the United States so that she might send the money to her children. She plans to leave for one year, and then to return home. She has asked her sister, Rosa Amalia, to care for Belky while she is gone, and expects Enrique's father to take care of him. Lourdes does not say goodbye to Enrique - it is too hard for her. Instead, she tells him something he will always remember: “Don’t forget to go to church this afternoon” (5). It is January 29, 1989, and Lourdes never returns.


Universidad de Mexico