Pema Dorji and Kesang Choden are two children in a big family. Pema Dorji has thrice as many sisters as he has brothers. Kesang Choden has two less brothers than she has sisters. How many children are there in the family?​

Respuesta :


Perma Dorji (PD) and Kesan Choden (KC) are children.

If the number of brother PD has is X, the number of sisters she has is 3X

If the number of brothers KC has is 3X, then the number of sisters she has is 3X-2


The total number of children (brothers and sisters) therefore are:

PDs siblings = 3X+X plus

KCs siblings = 3X2

= 3X+X +3X-2


Let's assume that X is 1, therefore the number of siblings equals


= 4

Don't forget the PD and KC are also children.

Therefore, the total children in the family is equals to 6
