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Hello. You did not provide the graphics to which the question refers, which may leave my answer a little inaccurate. However, I hope it helps you.
Two budgetary barriers that prevent the creation of new policy initiatives are mandatory expenditures (usually for social security) and uncontrollable expenditures, which are expenditures that cannot be remedied or inhibited. This limits the budget released for the creation of political initiatives and can make this budget insufficient to carry them out.
With regard to non-budgetary barriers, party polarization is the one that most impedes the creation of new policy initiatives, because it prevents government officials from pursuing the same objective and causes the government to be divided without being able to reach efficient agreements.
Budgetary and non-budgetary restrictions are both valid responses for hidden barrier and help to create new policies.
Budgetary constraints include discretionary spending such as Unemployment Insurance and uncontrolled expenses.
Party polarization, when everybody wants something different, is a non-budgetary hurdle, as is split government.
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