
Recall your school days . write in three paragraphs of an event that you always remebers​

Respuesta :


It was in 5th grade P.E. class. I had to take the class with the same kid that bullied me every day. That day we were doing pacer tests, and I had to run beside him. Each lap he either slowed or sprinted when I id and always stayed beside me the entire time. After about 10 laps, he tripped me and ran laughing. Because of how fast I was running I fell hard and nearly broke my nose. The teacher blew it off as an accident because of how the bully pleaded that it wasn't him. And sure enough, I was sent to the nurse. Everyone called me accident prone because of the fall, and it only caused more names to pop up.

Later that day, during lunch, I had a seizure. He said something about possession, and I don't remember much that happened during the seizure but after that everyone called me "ghost kid" and "possessed" Which later on grew worse and worse over the years as kids moved on from ghosts to witch and they had a million reasons to taunt and hurt me just because of one little seizure in 5th grade. No pun intended but it still haunts me every day because kids still go on and on about it. and i'm in 10th now. But there was more to that day.

Recess that day the bully was constantly pushing me around, and physically attacking me, mentally as well. I couldn't help but cry. As a kid all i ever wanted was to be happy and for others to be happy. But it seemed the bully did not care about happiness, only hurt. I balled up on the ground and he started kicking me screaming at me to get up but I wouldn't budge so he started to scream horrible names at me. Then I heard another voice, one I had not heard in a long time. It was an old fiend, he stood up to the bully, more like he got in a fight with him, but he still stood up for me. Both the bully and the friend got referrals but the bully never physically attacked me again. only verbally, but i guess in a sense that's a win.
