Imagine that you are the group leader for a photography project covering a local rock concert for a magazine. Prepare a communication kit for your team of five photographers. The kit should explain the concept, objective, and style, and it should divide the work among the five photographers. Divide various appropriately and allocate timelines for specific tasks.

Respuesta :


1/2 of an answer is zero answer.



Concept: A rock concert is not just a performance. A lot of effort and activity goes into this type of exhibition, and it brings together a large number of individuals and services.

Objective: The objective is to cover a local rock concert. It should portray the excitement, buzz, team effort, energy, and passion of the performers as well as of the audience. It should also convey the feeling of being a part of the larger local community.

Work division: The five photographers need to concentrate on one element each. Each of them has one duty:

-The first photographer covers the audience. The pictures will include both close-up and long-distance views of the audience. The shots should capture the expressions, enthusiasm, and general “feel” of the audience.

-The second photographer covers the action that takes place backstage. This could include photographs of the activities before, during, and after the show.

-The third photographer covers the setup of the rock show. The views can include the stage and scenes of pre-performance arrangements, performers arriving, practicing backstage or onstage, and so on.

-The fourth photographer covers the effect of the concert on the surrounding community through portraits of various individuals, such as youngsters, parents, the elderly, vendors, and so on.

-The fifth photographer will have a roving camera, and take candid pictures of people and objects during the performance.