Respuesta :
I would weigh the importance of the traditions against the repercussions of doing them against the law or the consequences of being caught practicing an unacceptable tradition in that country.
A. What if you moved to a place where these traditions were unacceptable or even illegal?
I already live in a country where my religion is wrongly considered unacceptable. I am Wiccan and a lot of people believe that it is the religion of satan just because they:
1. Don't take the time to actually learn about my religion and a lot of people (or a lot of christians) believe that any religion besides there own is wrong and that pagans, especially Wiccans like myself, must be worshipping the devil. I still practice my religion in a discreet and private manner.
2. They believe that their own religion is the only one that could possibly be right, and force their beliefs on other people.
I live in a country where my religion is not all that visible but to those that know about it or think they know (because they read articles about it that basically say what they want to hear about Wicca) disriminate against us.
I believe that my religion is very importent to me so I still practice it even if it is socially unacceptable because of the misconsceptions about it. In the US the reprecussions aren't all that bad, mainly just annoying right now. As I get older (Im in highschool right now) I could be discriminated against if I openly admit my religion. For example I could be refused a job or other such injustices because of my religion. I don't usually talk about my religion in public for such reasons.
B. How might you feel?
In the United States of America we have Religious Freedom but we also have the Freedom of speech which makes it so that we can practice whatever religion we want as long as we don't hurt anybody or break any laws and adamant christians can still ruin a special celebratory ritual that we are holding in a park (we just need to be closer to nature for some of them and we aren't hurting anybody) by loudly protesting "the religion of demons" and "unholy practices".
We don't barge into your churches and protest during your mass, do we? So just leave us be. I feel attacked for abiding the law and making use of my rights as a US citizen.
C. Might you try to keep doing them, but secretly?
Most Wiccans, like myself, try to keep our rituals private and out of the public eye or view because:
1. Some of the rituals are rather personal and private so we keep them to ourselves.
2. Rude people interrupt our practices sometimes when we do them where people of other religions can view them.