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The fall of new france
In the middle of the 18th century Britain and France fought a war that would decide the future of North America.
By 1750 Britain had settled 13 American colonies between the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic coast. (These settlements were controlled by Britain. They had not yet become the United States.)
French settlers lived north of these colonies. Most lived in the St. Lawrence valley in the colony of New France, what we now call Québec. They were called Canadiens.Others lived in Acadia in Nova Scotia and were called Acadiens. France also claimed most of the continent to the west of the Appalachian Mountains where they and the First Nations trapped and traded furs. However, American settlers wanted to move into this land, especially the rich farm land of the Ohio River valley. This argument over land led to the Seven Years War and the fall of New France.
To control the Ohio River valley the French built forts. One fort was built where the city of Pittsburgh stands today. The French called it Fort Duquesne. The English said the fort was on land that belonged to the American colonies. In 1754 they sent a 21 year old named George Washington and 150 men to tell the French to move out. The French refused. Although Britain and France were at peace at that time, Washington and his men attacked a French scouting party and killed ten of them. War had begun.
The French later captured the Americans and so Britain decided to send more soldiers to force the French out. They sent Major-General Braddock and 2,200 men.
The British troops advanced on Fort Duquesne in their bright red coats with the American troops in handsome blue coats, all marching through the green forest. Their colourful coats were a beautiful sight but they also made great targets. The French and their Native allies shot the British from the woods. The British panicked and ran.
War continued throughout the Ohio valley. In 1755 it moved to Nova Scotia. The French speaking Acadiens had lived peacefully there for more than a century but Nova Scotia was under British control. Because the Acadiens spoke French, the British feared that they would join the fight against the British.
The British governor ordered the Acadiens to be sent to colonies far away from the war. The army destroyed the crops and seized the livestock for itself. Flames swallowed the houses, barns, even churches. Soldiers led the sobbing, shocked Acadiens to boats. Most knew that they would never see their homeland again.
The next year France sent General Montcalm from France to command the French forces