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In the past, it was hard for many farmers to access irrigation systems and this contributed to their low economic status. Today there is more community organized irrigation and this has improved conditions for many farmers and given them access to more resources.


Tanahun district is located in Nepal there are a lot of rural villages and agriculture that is important to the livelihoods of the people living in Tanahun. Irrigation is one of the most important development topics in this district.  In the past, irrigation was carried out independently by different farmers and local influencers.  In the 1950s, they began to form water users' associations (kulo samiti) and these were more democratic than the Ranas that existed in the past.  Farmer Managed Irrigation Systems were increasingly common to help make water acquisition, allocation, and distribution more accessible and the resource mobilization more efficient. Now today there are community-managed irrigation system that assures the development is sustainable and benefits whole communities instead of just certain individuals.