PLZ HELP DUE AT 11:59!! ( 5 questions ! )

( question 1 )

This explorer from Venice inspired interest in China after returning from there in the late 1200s..

a ) Jacques Cartier
b ) Vasco de Gama
c ) Marco Polo
d ) Magellan

( question 2 )

This explorer from Morocco wrote a book "Rihlah" about his travels in Africa, China, and Indonesia..

a ) Jacques Cartier
b ) Ibn Batuttah
c ) Magellan
d ) John Cabot

( question 3 )

Which of the following is NOT a "God, Gold, and Glory" motivation for exploration?.

a ) The desire to spread Christianity to new lands
b ) To trade with rival nations
c ) The desire to find gold, silver, or other forms of wealth
d ) The desire to conquer new lands

( question 4 )

The caravel type ship was used by explorers for what reason.

a ) Its bulky shape allowed it to carry lots of cargo
b ) Its slender shape and lateen sails helped it explore coasts
c ) Its use of oars helped to move when the wind stopped
d ) Its deep hull was more stable in the ocean

( question 5 )

Circumnavigate means to....

a ) be able to find magnetic North
b ) be able to find the north star
c ) sail around the world
d ) find the trade winds easier