I would like to inform the staff that there was a potential harasser the needs to be addressed. He was continually asking a minor to go on google hang out even after she expressed that she was uncomfortable. He was reported but all questions he's asked were not academic and was asking to "talk" to others. I understand that there are people here that need attention but this is not the place to ask for that.


Respuesta :



I totally agree with you! This place is to help others in need of acdemic reasons only and not personal reasons! This is not the place for that.

Similar thing happened to me, after i answered a random person's question, a dude asked me to join his zoom meeting. he asked me how old i was and i lied and said 15 to avoid sexual harassment. he said he was 16 and i was panicking hard. he wanted to show an image of his face to me and i said no. after that i had to leave the meeting because it freaked me out.