They are attracted to each other. You can calculate what the force between them is using your newly-learned equation, and you will find that it is miniscule. Especially in comparison to the attraction of each of those objects (the chair and the table) to the Earth. It’s that force that dominates and keeps those objects stuck to the ground. There’s no way the gravitational force of attraction between the chair and table would be enough to overcome say, friction between those objects and the ground, in order to get them moving. But even if those objects were floating in the vacuum of space, the force of attraction between those objects is so small that it would take them a really long time to accelerate and collide with each other.
You might hear we physicists talking about how gravity is a weak force, and this is a great example illustrating just that. It takes planet-sized accumulations of matter before it becomes noticeable, and is able to overcome other forces.