Respuesta :
Answer: Before reading, keep in mind i have to answer with a video so this is just a general guide line!
Air force:Maffs
What is it: The Air force is the part of the military that uses planes/aircraft as main combat. In Annie's situation, she helps with putting out wildfires
Whys it important: This is important because it only takes one match to make a fire spread and in dry land, one match could lead to a huge wildfire. Wether its accidental or not, the fire must be put out to protect the safety of the public. Otherwise, businesses, houses, ect can be burned down and destroyed.
How to get in: To get into the air force, you must be a citizen of the United states, take the AFOQT, pass the air force physical fitness test, get a good ACT or SAT score, have at least 90 college credits, and be at least 18 but less that 35.
Quote: “It is a skillset that is awesome to have, and I love being trained in it. But it is also something that you really don't want to used.”
What is it: A paramedic is someone who responds to emergency calls, perform medical services, and transport patients to medical facilities.
Whys it important: This career is important because when someone is in danger, usually a fire in Ryan’s stuation, you need to call for help before things get too out of hand. Calling paramedics for help can eliminate any excess danger to come and make sure everyone involved in the situation is okay. If not okay, the paramedic will perform procedures to try and bring you back to health if its crucial and the patient may be unable to make it to the hospital in time.
How to get in: To become a paramedic, you must complete a postsecondary educational program, and be licensed.
Quote: “This is my second family”
Occupational Therapist:
What is it: An occupational therapist is someone who treats patients with injuries, illnesses, and disabilities through a form of therapy where you are doing everyday tasks to become stronger.
Whys it important: This is important because some people are unable to help themselves with everyday tasks and need extra help to do things like walk, eat, shower, ect so an occupational therapist will take their need and instead of doing these things for them, they will help them do it. This will actually help them relearn or gain their independence again so that later they will not need help and can start to normally live their life again.
How to become one: To become an occupational therapist, you must have a masters degree in occupational therapy and be licensed.
Quote: “Its just a really rewarding job”