Java Eclipse homework. I need help coding this
Write a program that will determine the user’s weight on another planet. The program should ask the user to enter his weight (on earth) via the keyboard and then present a menu of the other mythical planets. The user should choose one of the planets from the menu, and use a switch (with an integer) statement to calculate the weight on the chosen planet. Use the following conversion factors to determine the user’s weight on the chosen planet.
Planet Multiply weight by
Mercury 0.378
Venus 0.907
Mars 0.377
Moon 0.166
Pluto 0.071
A typical output screen will be similar to the following:
What is your weight on the Earth? 135
Choose a planet or Moon.
1. Mercury
2. Venus
3. Mars
4. Moon
5. Pluto
Selection? 1
Your weight on Mercury would be 12.285
*Fix the decimal to 0.0 spaces.