O'Connor, Sandra Day. The Majesty of the Law: Reflections of a Supreme Court Justice. New York: Random House, 2004.

Former Associate Justice O'Connor gives a comprehensive history of the United States justice system from its beginnings with the Magna Carta to the Supreme Court's progression and development to its current form. O'Connor highlights influential justices like Chief Justice John Marshall, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., and Thurgood Marshall. She also discusses important court rulings to include Brown vs. the Board of Education. Because both the Supreme Court's deliberation process and personal opinions about controversial topics are off limits for any justice to discuss publicly, this book makes an excellent, unbiased resource for anyone seeking to learn more about the nation's courts.

What purpose does the annotation in this bibliography entry serve?
It includes page numbers for references used.
It provides detailed information about the paper.
It summarizes and evaluates the source used.
It visually explains important facts for the reader.

Respuesta :

The answer is C because it evaluates the source used