Respuesta :
Dear diary,
I know I haven't written in you for awhile, but I've been busy with school. I had a really cool teacher this year that helped me through US History. Okay, it took a bit of energy and yeah maybe it wasn't personally fun fighting with myself to remember answers, but he had a game that helped me practice and beat the tests and quizes. At the time I was in class he waited until everyone was done with notes and gave us a free 100% for every chapter notes we finished. He helped everyone and got them finished in time.
I hope I have this teacher again next year.
Dear diary,
I have many pet peeves...
- People who can’t FREAKIN cover themselves when they sneeze or cough!
- People who interrupt when I am speaking
- Slow Walkers
- Rude/Slow drivers
- Know-it-all’s
- Someone leaving the water running and same goes for lights
- People who talk while their mouth is full
And that’s all I could think of..and these bother me because they just do. Like it’s rude, unhygienic, and not environmentally friendly.
Entry 1.
Today was a really irking day for me as my best friend Camryn just scratched up my chalkboard. It really makes me feel irritated and really frustrating. Yet, she is my best friend so I couldn't say much about the feeling to her. Whenever someone scratches the chalkboard and particularly mine it makes me cringe a lot and I even cry out of irritation. That's my biggest pet peeve that I cringe for. I feel as if I am going to itch. When Camryn left, I kept myself calm for sometime but I couldn't stop myself from drawing random stuff on my board and getting annoyed. But when I thought of what I've done over and over again, I thought that there's nothing much to really cringe for and I thought I must change this habit. I kept scratching my board with my ruler, paper knife and other objects and after a couple of minutes, I felt fine and happy.
Entry 2-
Today my mom and I were in the McDonalds drive through when we pulled up to the window to pay and we were told “The person in front of you paid for your meal”. My mom thought that was sweet so she decided to pay it forward and pay for the people behind us. The situation made me think of what paying it forward really means. The true meaning of pay it forward is an expression for when the recipient of an act of kindness does something kind for someone else rather than simply accepting or repaying the original good deed. I feel that everyone should always do good deeds for others and when receiving a good deed they should pay the kindness forward, it would make our world a much kinder place.
Entry 3-
Yesterday I was playing in my senior homecoming basketball game when I took a wrong step and couldn't bear to walk anymore.The athletics team rushed out to me and I was carried off of the court. Eventually I was put in the ambulance and taken to our local hospital where I found out I had tore my ACL. I got to come home early this morning and I got the news that I wouldn't be able to play the rest of my senior year as an ACL injury will take at least 6 months to heal. I was very upset, my last year playing high school basketball had been cut short and this injury would affect my scholarship.I was currently facing adversity. To deal with this adversity I started surrounding myself with positive people, sitting outside and being in nature for fresh air, and I write a lot in my journal to get my thoughts out. All of this has made me feel much better.
I hope this helps!!! Please brainlist if it does :)