Write a annotation for ... ( PLEASE IT"S A PRACTICE EOG ) I ALSO NEED 3 sentences.

At 16 he was a year older than Jim. He was a basketball and soccer star. He also got good grades and had been voted president of his junior class. Jim stifled a sigh. When it came to his cousin, Jim always came in second best. Even as kids playing together, Chad had always been the leader. He’d picked the games they’d played and even invented a secret code they’d used. Jim had forgotten most of that code except the one they’d used when planning a raid on the cookie jar. Two knocks, three, and then one meant, “Lie low, and wait!” “Well?” Chad was asking. He sounded impatient. “Are you going to dive or just sit there counting fish?” He did a back roll off the side of the boat. Jim followed and forgot everything but his descent into the water world.