The electron chain produces much more ATP than glycolysis or the Krebs Cycle but it needs them to happen in order to take place. How do the first two steps make the last one possible?

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The first two steps of cellular respiration provides the raw materials (NADPH and FADH2) for the third process.


  • Cellular respiration is the process by which living organisms obtain energy (ATP) by breaking down food molecules in their cells.

  • Cellular respiration occurs in three major stages namely: glycolysis, Krebs cycle and electron transport chain.

  • Electron transport chain (ETC) produces the highest amount of ATP (36), however, the products of glycolysis and Kreb cycle are needed for ETC to commence.

  • These products, which are raw materials (electron carriers) for ETC are NADPH and FADH2 molecules.

  • Therefore, the first two steps of cellular respiration provides the raw materials (NADPH and FADH2) for the third process.

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