1.) Which sentence uses the word vex correctly?
a. My friends didn't invite me to hang out with them and I was totally vexed about it.
b. When I realized my friends had planned a birthday weekend getaway, I was vexed!
c. I made it to class right before the bell and was therefore vexed.
d. The doctor told me my arm was vexed and I would need a cast for a month.
2.) Which sentence uses the word stifle correctly?
a. At the Penn State game, the stifling of the crowd hurt my ears.
b. The stern glare of the judge stifled the defendant's complaining.
c. It's that time of year when haunted mills open to stifle their guests.
d. The ending of "IT" was so stifling, I was sitting on the edge of my seat.
3.) Which sentence uses the word derision correctly?
a. Both sides in the Revolutionary War faced hardship and derision as they camped through the winter.
b. The derision of the wild hogs had to be done in order to protect local farms.
c. The killer tried to argue he couldn't be found guilty because he was overwhelmed with derision.
d. The derision of the audience was more than the comic could take, so he left the stage.