“Having their guns and hearing nobody, they entered the houses and found the people were gone. (We) took some things but didn’t dare stay...We have meant to have left some beads and other things in the houses as a sign of peace and to show we meant to trade with them. But we didn’t do it because we left in such a haste. But as soon as we can meet with the Indians, we will pay them well for what we took.”

“We marched to the place we called Cornhill, where we had found the corn before. At another place we had seen before, we dug and found some more corn, two or three baskets full, and a bag of beans...In all we had about ten bushels, which will be enough for seed. It was with God’s help that we found this corn, for how else could we have done it, without meeting some Indians who might trouble us.”

“The next morning, we found...a grave. We decided to dig it up. We found first a mat, and under that a fine bow...We also found bowls, trays, dishes, and things like that. We took several of the prettiest things to carry away with us, and covered the body up again.”
When last the glorious light of all the sky was underneath this globe, and birds grew silent, I began to settle, as my custom is, to take repose. Before mine eyes were fast closed, me tho’t I saw a vision, at which my spirit was much troubled, and trembling at that doeful sight a spirit cried aloud, “Behold! My son, whom I have cherished; see the paps that gave thee suck, the hands that clasped thee warm, and fed thee oft; canst thou forget to take revenge of those wild people, that hath my monument defaced in a despiteful manner; disdaining our ancient antiquities, and honorable customs. See now the sachem’s grave lies like unto the common people, of ignoble race defaced. Thy mother doth complain, implores thy aid against this thievish people new come hither; if this be suffered, I shall not rest in quiet within my everlasting habitation.”


Author says… (Quotation)
Author means… (Interpretation)
What do these quotations reveal about the author’s perspective? (Elaboration)

Author says… (Quotation)
Author means… (Interpretation)
What do these quotations reveal about the author’s perspective? (Elaboration)

Respuesta :



Question: Where is the rest of the passage? I mean not trying to be rude to you out or anything but I can not help you the out without being able to read the entire passage. I can not give you the answer because I do not understand the question. So unless you do not want my help than explane the question and show me the hole passage. So that I can help you, I mean if you want my help. Okay, so either let me help you or do not let me help you all right than. Please get back to me. Please give me a good rating. Good bye.