Lizzie loves to take care of animals and thinks she might like to become a veterinarian. Today, she is visiting a vet clinic and watching Dr.
Snyder treat people's pets.
A woman brings in a stray puppy she has rescued off the street. She wants to adopt the dog, but it looks sick. The dog seems tired, will not
eat, and has diarrhea. Dr. Snyder looks very concerned. He takes a small sample of the puppy's feces and runs a test. Fifteen minutes
later he comes back with bad news: the puppy has parvovirus. The disease is often fatal, but many dogs survive with good treatment. Dr.
Snyder tells Lizzie that parvovirus is preventable and a dog cannot get infected if it is given a shot. What type of shot would prevent a dog
from the paryoyirus disease? Explain how this shot protects a dog so it cannot get sick from a virus