“What will these people think of Christ, the true God of the Christians, when they see Christians venting their rage against them with so many massacres, so much bloodshed without any just cause…”

“Furthermore, how will that nation love us, how will they become our friends (which is necessary if they are to accept our religion), when children see themselves deprived of parents, wives of husbands, and fathers of children and friends?”

“They are not ignorant or inhuman. Rather, long before they had heard the word Spaniard they had properly organized states, wisely ordered by excellent laws, religion, and custom. They cultivated friendship and, bound together in common fellowship, lived in populous cities in which they wisely administered the affairs of both peace and war justly and equitably, truly governed by laws that at very many points surpass ours, and could have won the admiration of the [philosophers] of Athens...”


Others of your accursed race have, in years past, poisoned our peaceful shores. They have taught me what you are. What is your employment? To wander about like vagabonds from land to land, to rob the poor, to betray the confiding, to murder in cold blood the defenseless. No! with such people I want no peace – no friendship. War, neverending war, exterminating war, is all the boon I ask.

You boast yourselves valiant, and so you may be; but my faithful warriors are not less brave, and this too you shall one day prove; for I have sworn to maintain an unsparing conflict while one white man remains in my borders – not only in battle, though even thus we fear not to meet you, but by stratagem, ambush, and midnight surprisal.

I am king in my own land, and will never become a vassal of a mortal like myself. Vile and pusillanimous is he who will submit to the yoke of another when he may be free. As for me and my people, we choose death – yes! A hundred deaths – before the loss of our liberty and the subjugation of our country.

Keep on, robbers and traitors: in Acuera and Apalachee we will treat you as you deserve. Every captive will we quarter and hang up to the highest tree along the road.

Author says… (Quotation)
Author means… (Interpretation)
What do these quotations reveal about the author’s perspective? (Elaboration)
Author says… (Quotation)
Author means… (Interpretation)
What do these quotations reveal about the author’s perspective? (Elaboration)

Respuesta :


“What will these people think of Christ, the true God of the Christians, when they see Christians venting their rage against them with so many massacres, so much bloodshed without any just cause…”


this happen in the early church

A true Christian is nothing other than a real, authentic, actual Christian. The reason some people, including myself, will say or write "true Christian" or "true believer" is because there are people who pretend to be Christian.