

Central Valley High is considering whether students should be required to wear school uniforms. We do not support this new policy. We believe uniforms will have a negative impact on students, their families, and our school Uniforms will restrict our personal freedom We believe they will also restrict creativity, because they will prevent students from expressing their individual taste and style. For these reasons, we have asked for the opportunity to present our concerns to the School Board next Wednesday. We encourage our fellow students to attend the meeting, and to take a stand against school uniforms
at Central Valley High.

Which of the following sentences provide(s) factual supporting evidence for the author's argument? Select two that apply.

A. School Uniforms are unattractive.

B. Seventy percent of schools requiring uniforms report fewer disciplinary problems.

C. A survey of websites offering school uniforms reveals that they can cost over $150.00, which would be a burden for many families.

D. A poll at City Hugh, which recently adopted uniforms, shows that the majority of students are less enthusiastic about school since the change.