Java Eclipse Homework Challenge Project
Package: challQ1
Class: FantasyRPG

Task: Create a program to generate new RPG Characters and all of their traits. The user should have several choices to make and some numbers should be generated randomly. Once the entire character has been generated print out to the console all of the character information and the stats.

Ideas for the Program:

• User generated name
• Character Class (mage, monk, warrior, thief, ranger, etc...)
• Personal characteristics (hair / eye color, height, weight...)
• Randomly generated Stats ( Strength, wisdom, intelligence, dexterity, constitution... etc.)

Requirements: // These are the things I need to see mastery of

• correct use of variables: String, int, double, char
• use of Scanner and DecimalFormat
• decision using if or switch statement
• use of loops (for, while, do-while)
• use of a random number generator
• correct use of commenting code
------- OR -------

Develop your own "choose your own adventure game."

Include a story with many different decisions for the user to follow. There should be many different paths and endings and some events randomly generated or determined.

Same requirements as above: