This is a practice assignment. In this writing assignment you will write a personal essay on the topic of your choosing.
Your Assignment
Write a personal essay on the topic of your choice.
Your essay should be at least five paragraphs long. It should use the basic essay structure of an introduction paragraph, a body with at least three supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph.
Your introduction paragraph should include a hook to grab your reader's attention and a thesis statement. Everything in your essay should function to support your thesis.
The supporting paragraphs should all include a topic sentence, at least three supporting sentences, and a clincher sentence that restates your topic sentence.
Your concluding paragraph should wrap up your essay and include a clincher sentence that restates the thesis statement in different words. Your essay should be well crafted and written in a 12-point font with one-inch page margins.
Choose a topic that is interesting to you and will be interesting to your reader, too.

Note: Click "Writing Help" for ideas on choosing a document to use for your paraphrase.
Tips for Success
Brainstorming, Prewriting, and Outlining
Before you try to write your essay, brainstorm ideas to organize your thoughts. You may also want to prewrite using listing or clustering.

Then write a simple, informal outline of your essay with a thesis statement, three supporting points, and a clincher.
Writing a Personal Essay
Begin with a hook to grab your reader's interest.
End your introduction paragraph with a thesis statement that introduces the topic your essay will be about.
Your thesis statement should be about something you think, experience, believe, or feel.
After the introduction paragraph, follow with a body that includes at least three supporting paragraphs. All of your supporting paragraphs should develop the point of your thesis.
Follow the body of your essay with a conclusion paragraph.
Your conclusion paragraph should wrap up your essay and include a clincher sentence that restates the thesis in new words.
Be sure to include transitions to guide your reader from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph.
Be sure to write in complete sentences.
Be sure to use proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling.
Global Review
Does everything in your essay advance the point in your thesis statement?
Are there sentences that should be deleted or added?
Is the essay in the best order possible?
Does the essay use the basic five-paragraph format (introduction, body, and conclusion)?
Local Review
Did you check your essay to ensure correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar?

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Thai food vs Western food

In this essay, i want to compare the differences between Thai food and Western food. We all know that every different culture have different cuisine, taste and ways of cooking but you might not know about the exact differences so I'm writing this essay to give you some example of the differences.

 Firstly, the cooking method will be definitely different. Thai food are mostly cooked with spices and herbs but in the other hand western food are cooked with mostly butter, milk and cheese. For example, Thai soup "tom-yam" is cooked using spices and herbs like lemon grass etc. while soup like cream of mushroom in western food is cooked using cream and butter etc.

 Next, the taste, Thai food usually taste spicy, sour and sweet unlike western food which slightly taste salty, creamy. Example salad in western food usually taste creamy unlike the Thai papaya salad (som-tam) which taste sour and spicy.

 Last but not least, the way we eat it.Thai food are consumed by either using fork & spoon, chopstick or just using finger but when we are eating western food we normally use fork, spoon or knife. Example when we eat roast chicken the westerns will use fork and knife but we Thai people will simply use our fingers because it is convenient and we feel relax to eat with our fingers slowly.

 There is a lot of differences in the food around the world, it can be different traditional way or just personal habit/ like. Just like everyone of us having different preference of taste, even if we are the same race or even family members, we all will like different tastes of food.One example is the fruit " Durian", people who like its taste will find it very delicious but people who doesn't like the taste will find it very smelly and disgusting.
