In many parts of the country, school may occasionally be canceled due to weather events, such as snow storms,

hurricanes, or heat. Some years, students only miss one to two days of school, with an hour or two delay here or there.

Other years, students miss so many days that the school board is forced to make up time by extending the school year.

But is this fair to the students? Many claim that performance and enrollment suffer when the school year extends into

the summer. In your opinion, is extending the school year a good resolution for this issue? If not, what would you

propose as a solution?

In your essay, take a position on this question. You can choose to argue either side, or you may present a different point

of view on this question, but you must use specific reasons and examples to support your position.



Word Count: of 150



Respuesta :

Should students have to extend to school because of weather they can’t controle? No absolutely not. There’s many reasons why they shouldn’t have to.
First people cannot control the weather. It’s not there fault if there’s a snowy day. So why should someone be affected by something they can’t control.
Second many people could have plans mad ahead of time on those ‘extra days’. Especially if it’s cutting into a summer people may go off on the for weekend off.
There is a solution though. There should be scheduled extra days Incase the weather makes students miss to many days. That way it will be planned and it won’t mess with anyone’s plans. ——sorry I didn’t right much