which event between 1918 and 1939 (the Interwar Period) other than the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party contributed the most to the outbreak of World War II? Be specific.​

Respuesta :


Economic Collapse


After the end of WW1, Allied countries were seeking compensation for the massed amounts of money they spent on the war. So when the Treaty of Versailles was signed Germany was forced to pay 132 billion gold marks to the winning countries of the war. This caused Germany to begin speeding up the printing of currency starting a massive amount of inflation to where the people of Germany struggled to buy food, even bread. This was made worse when the Great Depression broke out in the United States. Germany was also forced to maintain an incredibly small army of less than 100,000 and forced to demilitarize the Rheinland. Hitler promised to bring Germany back onto its feet and make it a superpower once again so he gained the support of many Germans.