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It’s amplify Science
These two arguments both answer the question Why
did Patient 23 feel sick during week 3?
Which of these arguments is more convincing?
Explain your thinking below.
Argument One: Patient 23 felt sick during week 3 because
he was infected with the C. jejuni bacteria. From "The Human
Microbiome" article, I know that “this kind of C. jejuni
infection can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and fever-all the
symptoms of food poisoning." These symptoms match the
doctor's note for Patient 23 for week 3. When Patient 23 felt
healthy during week 1, the C. jejuni bacteria was not present
in his gut microbiome. In week 3, when he felt sick, C. jejuni
was present. Therefore, C. jejuni is probably the cause of his
Argument Two: Patient 23 felt sick during week 3 because
he was infected with the C. jejuni bacteria. C. jejuni is very bad
for you. He probably ate something spoiled. My sister got
food poisoning once.